Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HitFix: Confirmed: ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ doing Pickups with David Slade, not Reshoots..

Rumors and gos­sip have fol­lowed the “Twi­light Saga” ever since the first film cre­ated an uproar at the box office a year and a half ago. From the per­sonal rela­tion­ship between the stars to who will direct which sequel, it’s been a non-stop job for Sum­mit Enter­tain­ment to put out one fire after another. That con­tin­ued today.

This morn­ing Cana­dian gos­sip site Lainey Gos­sip reported that reshoots of two key scenes for the forth­com­ing “The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse” were occur­ring in Van­cou­ver next week. The pun­dit also floated that because of “cre­ative dif­fer­ences” with the stu­dio direc­tor David Slade wouldn’t over­see the reshoots and that for­mer helmers Cather­ine Hard­wicke (“Twi­light”) and Chris Weitz (“New Moon”) could step in instead. Because the out­let is based in the city and has been cor­rect on a num­ber sto­ries regard­ing the fran­chise before, many media took the report with a hint of cred­i­bil­ity which was a mistake.

Hit­Fix has learned that Slade, who is cur­rently over­see­ing the film’s score in Lon­don, would be headed to Van­cou­ver him­self to film what are obvs­ten­tively pick up shots, not reshot scenes. Pick up shots are cut into already com­pleted scenes and can be nec­es­sary because of any­thing from bad light­ing, a faulty print or a miss­ing expres­sion or line that was deter­mined in edit­ing. Reshoots insin­u­ate a com­pletely new scene being inserted into a picture.

Addi­tion­ally, a Sum­mit spokesper­son told Hit­Fix that the shoot has been planned for months, the pic­ture is not in “trou­ble” and, in fact, the stu­dio thinks it may be the best of the three so far. Con­sid­er­ing, this writer has heard praise for “Eclipse’s” script, that’s easy to believe. The spokesper­son also noted that reshoot tim­ing is three days or less, is not a lot of mate­r­ial and fur­ther­more, they do not involve the meadow scene or any action scenes whatsoever.

Fans will be able to decide their opin­ion on Slade’s vision for “Eclipse” when the film opens nation­wide on June 30.

source HitFix
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