Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Memorable Quotes from Eclipse...Chapter 10

Eclipse - Chapter 10

It was hard to get used to how much faster Jacob was without his car. How everyone seemed to be so much faster than me…

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.215

I’m not worried about anyone who would be deterred by a locked door.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.215

Is it really so impossible to wear clothes, Jacob?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.215

What do I look like, a pack mule?

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.216

That’s more than just a fashion statement — it sucks to carry jeans in your mouth.

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.216

Does my being half-naked bother you?

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.216

What’s it like — having a vampire for a boyfriend?

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.218

Do you have a medical degree that you never told me about?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.220

What’s it like — having a werewolf for a best friend?

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.222

One of the many hazards of socializing with vampires. It makes you smell bad. A minor hazard, comparatively.

Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.223

I wondered if he had trouble saying the word werewolf aloud, the way I often had difficulty with vampire.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.223

Okay! Time for the werewolf to get out!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.224

Are you trying to distract me? It’s working.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.224

I can’t afford it, and I’m not letting you throw away enough money to buy yourself another sports car just so that I can pretend to go to Dartmouth next year.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.225

It gets easier. After a few decades, everyone you know is dead. Problem solved.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.226

Jasper is sort of an expert on young vampires.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren’t in love with me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

I was rather under the impression that you’d promised to ask my permission to go to some kind of werewolf soirée tonight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

I do have a bit more insight into his probable answer than most people would, it’s true.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.231

It was stupid to want to go hang out with a bunch of big idiot wolf-boys right now when there was so much that was frightening and unexplained going on. Of course, that was exactly why I wanted to go. I wanted to escape the death threats, for just a few hours . . . to be the less-mature, more-reckless Bella who could laugh it off with Jacob, if only briefly.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.231

I stared at the beautiful machine. Beside it, my bike looked like a broken tricycle. I felt a sudden wave of sadness when I realized that this was not a bad analogy for the way I probably looked next to Edward.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.233

There are things between my hands right now that I can’t live without. You could take care of them.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.234

You look… sexy.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.235

You know what this reminds me of? It’s just like when I was a kid and Renée would pass me off to Charlie for the summer. I feel like a seven-year-old.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.235

He’s being pretty dang pleasant about this; you don’t need to push your luck.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.238

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