Monday, April 5, 2010

'Eclipse' Red Carpet Premiere Date: June 24th!

From Hollywood Crush:

We don't know where and we don't know what time (yet), but, Twilighters, go ahead and mark down., circle in red and highlight Thursday, June 24th on your calendar (or if you're technologically savvy, set an alert) because that is the official date of the "Eclipse" premiere!

The Twilight Twitter account just posted: "For those that haven't heard the news, the ECLIPSE premiere date is set for June 24! Location is still TBD." If history tells us anything, it will be at the Mann Village Theater in L.A. as that's where both "Twilight" (on Nov. 17,2008) and "New Moon" (on Nov. 16, 2009) rolled out their respective red carpets. That gives us just about 12 weeks to get our ears primed (for all the screaming) and our cameras charged. Click here to view 'New Moon' premiere photos...
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