Thursday, April 29, 2010

Robert Pattinson Makes The 2010 TIME 100 List: Article Written by Chris Weitz...

Robert Pat­tin­son
By Chris Weitz

I have to be care­ful about what I write here because it will be tweeted the moment TIME hits the stands. And if I say some­thing bad about Rob Pat­tin­son, I’m dead meat. That’s the devo­tion the Twi­light films inspire. It’s cer­tainly not how he planned it. And though I am con­tin­u­ally impressed by the aplomb with which he han­dles the hys­te­ria, I occa­sion­ally think he would take it all back if given the chance. Because essen­tially, Rob, 23, is a reserved, book­ish sort of spec­i­men, a guy who’d rather spend the night at the cor­ner table in the pub with friends — a bit of a weirdo, frankly, in the best sense.

So how to write about some­one who seems to answer Freud’s rhetor­i­cal ques­tion, What do women want? Per­haps it’s just worth point­ing out that it’d be fun to have a beer with him even if he weren’t Edward Cullen. That we haven’t seen a tenth of what he can do onscreen. And that impor­tant things, beyond the veil of Hol­ly­wood, occupy his time too — music, con­ver­sa­tion, ideas, a sense of the absurd. Which, maybe, explains why he never gets to my e-mails. I love you, Rob! Call me!

Weitz directed The Twi­light Saga: New Moon

source: Time via RPLife
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